Established a Children’s Library at Shree Janata Dhan Secondary School, Baglung


June 25, 2024, Baglung – SWAN helped to establish a children’s library at Shree Janata Dhan Secondary School in Narayansthan, Ward No -14, Baglung. We provided the school with 343 books, including fiction, non-fiction, informational, and educational, along with essential furniture, such as a round table, study table, chairs, and book racks. This project was supported in a spirit of partnership between the Shree Janata Dhan Secondary School, Baglung and NELSON MANDELA-SCHULE, Rheine, Germany. It is a pleasure to see children enjoying their new school library supported by -NELSON MANDELA-SCHULE, Rheine, Germany.


“It is a pleasure to see children enjoying their new school library supported by – NELSON MANDELA-SCHULE, Rheine, Germany. I hope children will develop the habit of reading and exploring different books beyond their textbooks.”

Ms. Kalpana Karki
Program Director, SWAN


A student holds a hand-written banner thanking a partner school.


Schoolchildren enjoy the new library space.


                                                                                                 “A love for books starts here!”

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