SWAN launches Education and School Development Project in Katari Municipality, Udayapur

SWAN launches a three-year (2023-2026) “Education and School Development” Project in Katari Municipality, Udayapur in a bid to ensure quality education in the local community schools. The project is aimed at improving the learning outcomes in the community schools in rural communities.

The major interventions include school renovation and maintenance, teacher training, teaching-learning materials support, and strengthening of WASH facilities in six community schools in Udayapur. However, we will provide scholarship opportunity to the underprivileged children from all seven provinces of Nepal. The project will be carried out with the technical support of local partners and Katari Municipality, Udayapur. The project is funded by SWAN Österreich and SWAN Deutschland e.V.


“I believe this project will empower students, teachers, and uplift communities through quality education. We are grateful for the support received from our donors, key stakeholders, local government and development partners.”

Krishna Karki
Founder Chairperson, SWAN Nepal


                                                          SWAN signs MOU with the Katari Municipality, Udayapur

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