SWAN completes 29 glorious years of service to humanity


Kathmandu, 11 May 2023 – Today marks 29 glorious years of SWAN Nepal working with children, women and rural communities of Nepal including Baglung district among other project areas. Humbled by the 29th anniversary milestone, we would like to thank all our supporters, donors, governmental and non-governmental partners who have been helping us with our work concerning the development of children, women and rural communities. We look forward to your continuous support to further our organizational goals in the coming days.


On the Occasion of the 29th Anniversary Year celebration, SWAN Nepal is expanding its development activities for five-years from now in the far-west province. However, SWAN will continue its work under its thematic areas across the country. Through these 29 years of development and humanitarian work, SWAN today has become a household name in its project area and rural communities across the country.


News & Updates

Established a Children’s Library at Shree Janata Dhan Secondary School, Baglung

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Empowering Marginalized Women through Livelihoods Project begins in Katari Municipality, Udayapur  

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 Maternal and Child Health Project begins in Achham and Bajura Districts

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